Get Comfortable
Pour yourself a cuppa, and lets get to know each other.

I used to be tired... All the time!
I didn't know what to eat, how to exercise... Or, how to live.
I thought that if I trained more, I would be fitter, healthier and happier. I thought that if I avoided lollies and ate green things that all my health concerns would fade away. I thought that all I needed was a few hours sleep or rest and then I could go through my day attending all my commitments with one quarter of my energy. I also thought, that I was "fine" and I could handle anything life threw at me, so long as I could have a wine (or three). I also thought that one day, I would have the courage to peruse my life's goals.
If you can relate to any of this, then we have a lot in common.
It took some time, but eventually I was able to tackle my habits and tell a different story today.
Which is that now I live an incredibly healthy and happy life. I have abundant energy and all the tools and supports to achieve all my life's goals.
And I spend a little time and energy every day, making sure of it. Because I want to look, feel and function this way forever!
And I want you to as well.
I have learnt so much. Through my own personal experience, post-graduate qualifications, short courses and studying the research and success stories of others.
Hi, I'm Amy. A self-confessed Health Nut. I am your go-to gal if you wish to transform your body and health, gain strength and courage to tackle those dreams of yours. My mission is... To empower people to make simple lifestyle changes to support their Health, build their Self-Love and Resilience and overcome obstacles to pursue their life's goals and passions.
Because if not now... when. If not you.. who. It all starts with a simple first step.

In just 3 years Amy Benn is 2 X ICN Swimwear Model Champion, WFF First Place Bikini Model and WBFF Bikini Diva Competitor. She helps others achieve their health and fitness goals, through her online programs. With a background in commercial modeling, she helps women present their winning physiques in her posing programs. She is a passionate health writer and collaborates with many brands to provide educational and on-trend content.
Bachelor of Nursing
Post- Graduate Certificate in Practice Nursing (Health)
Certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness - AIPT
Metabolic Precision Nutrition Level 3
Welcome beautiful, and thank you for taking the time to get to know me better.
My intention is to share my knowledge, wisdom and experience so you can leave with confidence that you have the power and resources to take the next step in your own positive direction.
I am a lover of all things Health. I am obsessed with cooking healthy meals for myself and my loved ones. I like to potter around my home and garden listening to inspiring podcasts, writing and reading insightful books. I like to lift weights and sip tea and coffee with friends and explore this amazing planet with my husband.
I believe we are capable and fully deserve to look our best, feel phenomenal and have vibrant energy for all the things we love in life.
Though it wasn't always like this for me...
I experienced a rapid decline in my health during my school years. My symptoms included fatigue, severe abdominal pain, fevers, sweats and chills and I was running to the bathroom up to 18 times a day. Crohns disease was my diagnosis and it was a vicious cycle of weeks in hospital, multiple blood and iron transfusions and medications. I would do my best to "catch up" with my school still nursing a bloated swollen belly, anemia, iron and other nutritional deficiencies and crushed confidence for the future.
I chose nursing for two reasons.
I wanted to help others going through similar things. I knew what it felt like to be a patient, and knew I was making difference.
I thought that the more I could understand about the human body, the more likely I was able to help myself.
My health was still a bit rocky, so not only did I study, but I started reading blogs and books on people who had overcome illness and turned their lives around.
My last relapse was February 2015. As I was lying on the cold, hard hospital bed, I got the rude slap in the face i needed.
A combination of over training (I used to pursue Triathlons, Trail runs and Half-Marathons), full time shift work with regular night duty as I was living my dream as a Critical Care Nurse in Intensive Care, running around after everybody else and putting any kind of rest, relaxation or 'me time' so far down the "to-do' list I didn't know what it was. I would cope with adversity by sinking a few wines on a regular basis.
The week after my Engagement party... I fell in a dark hole. And it was the biggest blessing as I learnt so much.
Dosed up with triple medications I was fortunate to respond to them without surgery. Though the side effects actually left me with severe anxiety, panic attacks and a majorly inflamed body.
And I vowed to myself and my loved ones NEVER AGAIN. And to do so, I had to make some changes:
I threw myself into Personal Training and Nutrition Courses
I stopped my running and endurance training
I started focusing on gaining muscle by weight training
I started eating more, in quantity and quality
I stopped drinking and found stress release through healthier alternatives
I cut out unnecessary tasks and put myself and my health first
I started to prioritize my Sleep and rest and said No to things
I was determined to turn my Health and my Life around.
Life now looks like...
I now have abundant Health and I am in remission. I live a Healthy Lifestyle, full of rest, sleep, great food and I move my body to support my health. I have sought help to overcome my obstacles and tell a new story. I now practice "self-love" which are things I enjoy that bring love and light to my life and help me deal with stress. I have created time and energy to explore my passions for Health and Fitness which includes Fitness Modelling, Writing, Reading and Speaking. ​
My intention is share everything I have learnt with you... I believe everyone... especially you... deserves to look, feel and function their best. To live their healthiest life, overcome their obstacles, explore their passions and achieve their life's goals.
Let me help you do the same