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A Guide to Balance in Bali...
Health, Well-being, Lifestyle, Relaxation and Nature. Work-life balance can sometimes be my biggest struggle. I know that stress is just...

To Grow your Booty when you Squat...
The squat. One of the best exercises to build muscle on your glutes, quads and hamstrings. Perhaps one taken for granted because of its...

Love Your Guts
Last week I wrote a VERY Personal blog about my 14 year experience THRIVING with Crohns Disease... READ IT HERE I received a lot of...

Crohns Disease and my Personal Journey
I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease at 14. After months of enduring many symptoms including: diarrhea up to 12-15 times a day, blood...

How to: build your own delicious iced tea!
Step. 1 Choose your base: 1/2 cup of boiling water with either black, green or herbal tea. (I use 3 tea bags and wait for it to cool)...

My Secret to STAYING lean.
Unfortunately, I am not "naturally skinny" (whatever that means). I also don’t "burn fat" easier than anyone else (whoever decided that...

Achieve something that makes you FEEL GOOD!
Hi lovely, I have found that setting new years resolutions can cause: ✖️ Anxiety. As sometimes our goals are not what we actually want to...

10 Reasons why you will benefit from Dry-Body Brushing.
Join my FREE Support Group: here I don’t know where I would be without my Dry Body Brush… I heard about this “health trend” a few years...

Understand Criticism - and just do your own thing!
Have you ever been judged for what you are eating? Found it difficult to choose something on the menu? Or, ate something you didn't want...

Why Self-Care is so important.
A personal story, please be kind. One inevitable thing we all must address… is death. As soon as we are born, we are dying. Although part...
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