Understand Criticism - and just do your own thing!
Have you ever been judged for what you are eating?
Found it difficult to choose something on the menu?
Or, ate something you didn't want to, out of fear of offending someone?
Criticism can sting! And it can be especially difficult when you are trying your best to stick to your new healthy lifestyle.

I’m talking about those little comments or remarks from people that feel they can give you their opinion of your body, training and eating habits. And perhaps when they are not so far along in their Health and Fitness Journey as you are.
Even the most self-assured, confident person may still feel the effects of a back handed compliment, somebodies opinion, a comment on social media, or perhaps their friends who just didn’t invite them to something.
It hurts because as humans we are hardwired for connection and thrive on love and intimacy.
So when these occurrences happen, they can create separateness and distance which can hurt.
This has happened to me on many occasions, and I’m sure will continue. So after some reading and pondering, I have found that:
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Everyone has an opinion, and there is nothing you can do about it. We never actually see what is objective, we see it through our own eyes. Governed by our own experiences and insecurities. Hell, I have been devastated at some of the things I have said – only out of fear and insecurity. By following your dreams and achieving your goals, you also may show someone a side of them that they have been neglecting. They may also be intimidated by your success and want to improve themselves in some way. This, can perhaps come out from time to time, often without realizing.
When we judge others, we are simply judging ourselves.

What we see in others, we see in ourselves. This means everything negative we see in others, is perhaps something we wish to improve in ourselves. Before we open our mouths, or tap our thumbs to provide our opinion. It’s a great idea to ponder weather or not this is something we would like said about ourselves, and if need be, change it to something positive instead. Or choose to see something else more positive, and pay a compliment instead. Take some time to look in the mirror yourself before you throw around the judgement.
You cannot please everyone and haters are always going to hate.
It may not be your stuff anyway! But a reflection of what is going on for them. Once you realize this and learn not to take it personally, it’s quite liberating.
Don’t give them the most precious commodities you have, your time, energy or attention.