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Love Your Guts

Last week I wrote a VERY Personal blog about my 14 year experience THRIVING with Crohns Disease... READ IT HERE

I received a lot of questions about my experience with healing my gut microbiome, so I thought I would share my insights...

What exactly is the Gut Microbiome?

Simply put, we have a whole ecosystem of bugs in our digestive tract which helps to break down all the foods we place into our wonderful bodies.

Why is this important?

The gut microbiome is strongly connected to the brain, influencing those neurotransmitters which we all have in our heads which impacts on the way we FEEL. It is influential in the extraction of nutrients and our ability to break down food, influencing the way we FUNCTION. And how we feel and function directly influences our actions and decisions during the day which determines our daily habits and creates the way we LOOK.

How can we look after it?

Simply put, our bugs are like a pack of coloured pencils. We need all the colours in the right quantities to create balance in the eco system. And that means we need to feed all the bugs for them to thrive. For example, if we restrict our diet and only eat the white things and the green things for a period of time, we are not feeding the rest of the other colours … Then those bugs can potentially get hangry and irritated.

What can we do?

Eat the rainbow. Look down at your plate and count the colours, try and include all of them in your week. If you decide to re-introduce some colours, take it slow and include an extra 1-2 new things a week (by placing new plants in your trolley at your weekly shop) and have fun with it!

Please see your health professional or book into to see mine here:

Also... If you are after joining my Fitness Model Support Group... There is a THRIVING community of women being their best selves and you can join us HERE.

Love and Health.





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