How to: Beat the bottle and conquer your goals.

I used to make up an excuse to sink a few wines… Friday, Saturday, Sunday, ‘so and so dropped in’, the ‘end of my working week’ which being a shift worker, could have been a Monday or Tuesday.
When it came down to it, it was the last habit I was holding onto.
And the most difficult to break. I was at the point where my food was 100% compliant for weeks, with my last vice being a glass (or three) a few nights a week. That’s right, I would strategically plan every single meal and consume it, just so I could enjoy a ‘good red’.
I remember feeling devastated when a firm ‘No more’ came from my trainer in an email once. That day happened to be the first day of my holiday to Tasmania, amoung the best grapes, whisky and produce in the world!
My last ditch that I bonded with friends and family over, my coping mechanism, celebration enhancer… Was gone.
So then I had to deal with the emotions that I was suppressing.
And I found it really uncomfortable for the next six months to not have a glass in my hand at social functions. We all know breaking habits is an uncomfortable process at the best of times.

I was determined not to lapse back into old habits. I do occasionally enjoy a glass of red with an ‘off meal’. But by no way do I have an emotional attachment. When I feel like those ‘once off’ glasses are becoming too frequent, I remove them again.
I know how difficult it can be to resist, especially around special occasions and when you’re entire social (and sometimes work) life revolves around a drink. It is up to you to remember your reason WHY in these situations. Please understand that you and your goals are way more important than a few sips.
Here is what helped me through:
Drive everywhere! There is nothing like the law to stop you from having a drink. It can also get people off your back, as you are the responsible driver.
If you don’t feel comfortable telling everyone at the party about your transformation goals, and how you want to run 10km/loose 10kgs/be a fitness model ect. I understand! In this situation I have said numerous things and the ones that work include. Oh, no thanks, I think I’m coming down with something. I’m driving. I’m working tomorrow. Blame your spouse, your mother, and your kids by saying that they want to see you drink less.
People generally love talking about themselves. Reply with a polite ‘I’m fine thanks’ and then quickly pay them a compliment with a big smile and they will forget about it soon enough.
Put something else in your glass. Soda water, iced tea, that long list of zero calorie fluid choices come in handy.
Replace that beverage with a delicious liquid meal if you are at home and reaching in the back of the cupboard. Even pour your LM into your usual beverage glass if you have to.
Take three deep breaths and think of the reason why you actually want the drink. Can you do something else instead? Do you really NEED it, or just WANT it? How about a walk in the fresh air, read your favorite book/blog, take a bath to wind down after your week.