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Are you training for Fitness or Fat loss?

Can l let you in on a secret...

I used to train for Fitness...

I completed many half-marathons and triathlons. It was my sport, and I loved it. I was focused on getting across the finish line in the shortest amount of time. It was awesome to push myself and smash PB's.

Until I changed my sport...

To Fitness Modelling

Distances and times were no longer important. Instead i was focused on muscle (shape) and Fat Loss (size/conditioning).

During my training, I was shocked to learn that...

The best exercise for Fat Loss is:

Short bursts (25 minutes) of High intensity body weight exercises.

Without going too far into science. (Skip this paragraph if your not interested) Training for fitness is generally pushing yourself to keep going further. Like when you can run for 20 minutes, you aim to run for 30 minutes, then 40 minutes ect. During my endurance training, my long bike and run sessions were at a slow steady pace an would often go for hours. I could generally hold a conversation and I was utilizing carbohydrates as fuel. In contrast, fat loss training is short bursts of high intensity interval training. Which leaves me breathless, utilizing different energy systems and burning fat as fuel.

It would explain the changes I saw in my physique

As an endurance athlete, I didn't mind so much about my straight shape, I was focused on speed and distance and recovery. When I shifted my focus to aesthetics, by capping my cardio to 25 minutes of high intensity, that's when I really started to get lean.

If your goal is Fat Loss, I may have just saved you time.

Next time you do a cardio session... Ask yourself if you got a little bit uncomfortable, and did things you perhaps didn't really enjoy... I sometimes hate burpees, jumping jacks, tuck jumps and mountain climbers... But keep in mind, if nothing changes, nothing will change. The best results come from stepping outside that comfort zone.

Amy xx



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